stellar magnetic field câu
magnetic field
This entire prison's one big magnetic field.Không gian trong nhà tù là một trường từ lực khổng lồ. The magnetic field is too strong, I...

earth magnetic field
Your device must have MAGNETIC SENSOR inside to read earth magnetic field.Điện thoại của bạn phải có SENSOR TỪ bên trong để đọc từ trườ...

earth's magnetic field
Variations in Earth's magnetic field from 1590 to 1990.Biến thiến đẳng trị từ thiên từ năm 1590 đến 1990 Variations in Earth's magneti...

external magnetic field
First, they can be operated remotely by an external magnetic field, with no electrodes needed.Đầu tiên, chúng có thể được điều khiển từ...

interplanetary magnetic field
Division IV: Solar Wind and Interplanetary Magnetic FieldBan IV: Gió mặt trời và Trường liên hành tinh Division IV: Solar Wind and Inte...

magnetic field energy
Also, if spirits are present in the home, the prime time for manifestation is around 3 a.m. which will definitely keep you awake at nig...

magnetic field intensity
Scientists have created the world’s most powerful superconducting magnet, capable of generating a record magnetic field intensity of 45...

magnetic field lines
For example, it is highly electrically conductive so that magnetic field lines from the Sun are carried along with the wind.Ví dụ, nó d...

magnetic field strength
For perspective, the Earth's magnetic field strength is about 1 gauss.Để so sánh, khu vực từ hữu cơ của hành tinh là khoảng 1 gauss. S...

magnetic-field strength
The period had increased by 0.008 seconds since 1993, and she calculated that this would be explained by a magnetar with a magnetic-fie...

mercury's magnetic field
During its second flyby of the planet on October 6, 2008, MESSENGER discovered that Mercury's magnetic field can be extremely "leaky".T...

rotating magnetic field
Rotating magnetic fields: interactive, (in Italian)Rotating magnetic fields: interactive, (tiếng Ý) Because they are all out of phase w...

static magnetic field
American physicists Edward Purcell and Felix Bloch independently discover nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), the selective absorption of...

We announce a stellar running mate.Chúng ta công bố một người đồng hành tranh cử ưu tú. Hank, I gotta say, your work here has been ste...

He could create magnetic fields and control metal.anh ta có thể tạo ra từ trường và kiểm soát kim loại. With a little magnetic confine...

stellar association
The star belongs to the IC 2391 supercluster, a stellar association whose member stars share a common motion through space, but are not...

stellar associations
The latter have elliptical orbits that are inclined to the plane of the galaxy.[59] A comparison of the kinematics of nearby stars has ...

stellar astronomy
Stellar astronomy: This field deals with the study of all aspects of starts including birth, evolution, and death.Thiên văn học sao: Lĩ...

stellar atmosphere
Commission 36: Theory of Stellar AtmospheresC 36 Lý thuyết khí quyển các sao Theory of Stellar Atmospheres Above the level of the photo...

stellar classification
R Leporis is a carbon star with the stellar classification of C7,6e(N6e).R Leporis: là một ngôi sao Cacbon thuộc lớp tinh tú C7,6e (N6e...

stellar engine
It is an example of a Class B stellar engine, employing the entire energy output of a star to drive computer systemsNó là một ví dụ cho...

stellar evolution
See also: Stellar evolution and Formation and evolution of the Solar SystemXem thêm: Tiến hóa sao và Sự hình thành và tiến hóa của Hệ M...

stellar groupings
But unlike astrology, the natural tendency to read “faces in the clouds”, or in this case images in the stellar groupings, is probably ...

stellar nucleosynthesis
All other heavier elements were created much later, as a result of stellar nucleosynthesis.Tất cả những nguyên tố nặng hơn khác được tạ...

stellar physics
↑ J. and M. Tassoul, Concise history of solar and stellar physics, Princeton University, 2004^ J. và M. Tassoul, Concise History of Sol...